Hellcat's Hope is for people looking for hope and seeing what's possible in their lives, relationships, business, and community. In each episode, Hellcat (her legal name!) will share personal stories and practical takeaways to motivate and inspire you to find your own inner Hellcat in your day-to-day life.

Friday Sep 18, 2020
Football, Coaching, and BBQ: An Interview with Coach Mike Burt
Friday Sep 18, 2020
Friday Sep 18, 2020
What better way to bring our Country together than to hear some great stories from Coach Mike Burt on football, coaching, and BBQ. You will hear stories about what it was like being the oldest of 11 siblings and growing up on the gridiron as a player and coach. Coach Burt and Hellcat also attempt to settle their 47-year dispute over an alleged turtle assassination.
If you need a good laugh today, come listen to some random rants about air conditioning, passwords, and Weight Watchers Points.
Coach Burt shares stories from playing football at Lewisville High School in the late 70s and early 80s, as well as his recruiting experiences with the University of Texas (Fred Akers), Arkansas (Lou Holtz), and Rice University (Ray Auburn). Old Southwest Conference fans will enjoy hearing about what it was like to play against Eric Dickerson and the Pony Express as well as coaching football in Texas throughout his 33-year coaching career - where football is king.
Coach Burt has some great advice for those interested in being a coach and how parents, administrators, and the community can best support their student athletes and athletic programs.
Finally, your mouth will water as Coach Burt shares some BBQ stories and secrets about his BBQ Food Trailer and The Sammich Guy, including what it's like working with Momma Burt sometimes. And all of you listeners, WORLDWIDE, receive an open invitation to have the Sammich Guy come make you the best BBQ you won't soon forget.
Special Shout-Outs:
Coach Que Brittain
Coach Tom Everest
The Sammich Guy BBQ sammichguy.com and follow on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sammichguy/

Saturday Aug 22, 2020
Gastric Bypass: Humor, Healing, and Hope
Saturday Aug 22, 2020
Saturday Aug 22, 2020
Bariatric surgery. Gastric Bypass. Gastric Sleeve.
These are now a part of Hellcat's discussion and journey to long-term health.
Come along as Hellcat shares details about her decision, her initial tests, and how she's using all her tools to live her best life.
Hellcat shares that finding and living your own inner Hellcat is to own your story, unapologetically, and without shame.
Maybe you don't share your story just because you are a private person, and that is OK and clearly understandable. But if you are not sharing your voice and story from a place of shame, this episode is for you.
Hellcat shares how you can process other people's opinions as well as how to bring your WHOLE self in the moments and not be afraid of who you really are. We have to heal ourselves before we can try to heal the world. Unless you are willing to be you, how can you encourage others to be themselves.
Shout Outs:
Dr. Bertice Berry
Integris Weight Loss Center
Dr. Hamilton Le
Dr. Kim King
Amanda Crawford, Birthday Girl and Mighty Friend
Beth Skipworth, #5, Birthday Girl and Sister
The Greatest Showman, This is Me
Dopey Challenge, Walt Disney World
Jeff Galloway Training Plan
#WLS #gastricbypass #RNY

Saturday Aug 15, 2020
Managing Our Minds Through Life's Transitions
Saturday Aug 15, 2020
Saturday Aug 15, 2020
Many of you may find yourselves in the middle of some life transitions right now, whether it's heading back to school, work, relationships, your business, or even your health. Hellcat finds herself in the same transitional boat!
Today, Hellcat will walk you through what those transitions may look like and how you can manage your mind through any of them. She shares her specific health journey and how that, too, is in transition as she prepares for gastric bypass surgery.
You will walk away with several ideas on how to manage your mind in whatever transition you may find yourself through the simple use of the Think Feel Act cycle tool. Pay special attention to details on how to handle and process other people's opinions about your decisions with a simple, easy-to-use system of evaluating people's opinions.
In the end, Hellcat will walk you through an example of the Think Feel Act cycle that you can apply to your life TODAY. Instead of telling yourself, "I don't know what I'm doing" and feeling confused and lost, you will learn a better thought that leads to curiosity and confidence, a much better feeling to drive your actions and get the results you want.
Hellcat lovingly reminds us all that this isn't our first rodeo and we can saddle up and hit the trail to the results we want in our life.
Trigger Warning: binge eating disorder

Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Finding Hope and Healing in Recovery and Living with Depression and Mental Illness
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Trigger Warnings: depression, suicide, mental illness, postpartum depression, post-weening depression
Heather Loeb, founder, creator, and writer for UNRULY NEURONS (www.unrulyneurons.com) shares with us today the principle of Tikkun Olam – it means to heal the world with whatever platform you have, to use it to help others and improve whatever corner of the world you’re in.
Heather shares what she calls her moral obligation to share her story, to normalize depression and mental illness. The stigma surrounding mental illness can be deadly, literally. Heather helps us understand that by releasing the shame and judgment around depression and mental illness, you are free to find peace, healing, and hope. Once she threw off the shame shawl surrounding her limitations, then and only then was she able to get real help through the Menninger Clinic in Houston, Texas and other forms of therapy like Electroconvulsive Therapy.
Heather will leave you with some powerful thoughts on how you can help yourself or others not just survive and live, but live warrior strong and how her conversion to Judaism has helped her along that journey.
Heather’s Blog: www.unrulyneurons.com
The Menninger Clinic, Houston, Texas

Thursday Aug 06, 2020
BONUS: In Memory of Tanya Dodd-Hise - Happy 50th Birthday
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Today, August 6, 2020, Tanya Dodd-Hise would have been 50 years old. As a friend, sometimes we are called to do the hard things and for Hellcat, that was delivering the Eulogy at her dear friend's memorial service. Tanya fought like hell for years in her battle against breast cancer, with many wins and many disappointments, when eventually it just spread too far.
Tanya died November 10, 2017.
Hellcat wants to remind everyone who knew Tanya, and even those of you who didn't, of the lessons Tanya brought to our lives and how we can keep her spirit alive through our loving acts for others.
Use your voice to stand up for what's right.
Don't be afraid to voice your raw unapologetic truth.
Do for others even when you think you don't have time.
Make that sacrifice because you never know whose life you are enriching.
Even invite a complete stranger to your house for the weekend... it should be fine, right??
Love those around you like Tanya loved - with open acceptance and fierce loyalty.
Finally, take the damn picture... No one has ever said, "I wish I wouldn't have taken so many pictures."

Wednesday Aug 05, 2020
My Baby Has A Beard: Leaving, Leading, and Loving
Wednesday Aug 05, 2020
Wednesday Aug 05, 2020
Are you about to send your kid off to college, the military, or the workforce? Then you will want to give this one a listen. Hellcat shares her day of taking her Baby (with the beard) to his new college town. Come along and listen to the fun stories from their day together and the lessons Hellcat learned by simply changing her thoughts around her circumstance. You'll laugh about beard trimming and maybe cry about how we learn to let our children run around all willy-nilly. You'll learn when to say something and when to keep quiet. You'll learn that our kids really do listen to us and you will leave with an appreciation of the journey.
Special Shout-Outs:
Fort Hays State University, Office of Admissions, Derek Edwards
Wahl Beard Trimmers
Three Stooges Production, YouTube
Holiday Inn Express, Hays, Kansas
Ihop, Hays, Kansas
Great Clips, Hays, Kansas
Lomato's Pizza, Hays, Kansas
Tiger Burger, Hays, Kansas
Reg Bamford, The Winner of the Who Loves Whom More Contest
Amber Neaves
Amanda Crawford
Wal-Mart, Hays, Kansas
Baby Daddy, Tom Corbin
Me, Mom
Aaron Corbin, Football Scholarship NCAA Div II Athlete and Student at FHSU, New Resident of Hays, Kansas

Saturday Aug 01, 2020
Tales of a School Board Member: Managing our Minds Around Covid and Return to Learn
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
A proud member of the School Board for the Deer Creek Board of Education, Hellcat shares the processes and analysis that have gone into the School District's decisions and Return to Learn Plan. She shares her current and personal burdens and struggles surrounding a Covid positive in her household. A passionate advocate for teachers, Hellcat issued an all-call to teachers everywhere to share their concerns and needs and she shares those with you today. In the process, Hellcat walks us all through the Think Feel Act Cycle on how each one of us can manage our minds right now and what to do with other peoples' opinions about us and our choices. Her message is for teachers, parents, business owners, and other school administrators. Hellcat shares many of her own personal stories and recent experiences as a new School Board Member and how she's managing her own mind around it all. You will walk away with some tools and thoughts on how to manage your mind during these times and how you want to show up on the other side.
The opinions expressed herein are Hellcat's own and do not represent those of the Deer Creek School District, its Board, or its Administration.

Friday Jul 24, 2020
"Mark, you have cancer."
Friday Jul 24, 2020
Friday Jul 24, 2020
"Boy, you could sell Bibles to the devil."
Come along with Hellcat and her baby brother, Mark, as he easily sells a message of humor, healing, and hope. Mark shares his perspective growing up as the 10th sibling in their family as well as his story of being diagnosed in 2018, at the age of 35 years old, with Stage 4 Non-Hodgkins Follicular Lymphoma. Mark shares how he has battled, how others have supported, and how you can find hope in yourself and those around you. His message is universal for any circumstance.
Shout Outs:
Texas Oncology of Dallas and Flower Mound
The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society

Sunday Jul 19, 2020
Planning: How to Plan Your Week and Day to Work FOR YOU, Not Against You
Sunday Jul 19, 2020
Sunday Jul 19, 2020
Hellcat LOVES to Plan. She shared in Episode 7 how she's learning to adapt to changes to her plan with flexibility and openness. Today, she shares how she plans out her week and day. It's Sunday, so Hellcat walks you through her Sunday routine of planning her week ahead and gives you some great takeaways on how you can develop a good habit of planning. Whether it's your food plan, work plan, personal goals, or business goals - this planning approach will work for you. Hellcat teaches you how to THINK about your plan so you do it from a place of action and not overwhelm. She shows you how to use planning (and journaling) as a solution for paralyzing inaction when you feel overwhelmed or it just feels too much. Let planning work FOR you.
Honorable Mentions:
Podcast: Old Broads Run, by Angela & Terri
Podcast: Fab & Flawed, by Jen Roe

Sunday Jul 19, 2020
Sunday Jul 19, 2020
Hellcat interviews Sarah Nicole with Sarah Nicole, LLC as they take a deep dive into the concept of intuitive eating as a way to overcome the negative implications of diet culture and mentality. Both Hellcat and Sarah share their own disordered eating histories and how each have found recovery. It's not so much about the myriad of food protocols, as much as it is about trusting your body through intuitive eating, "gentle nutrition," self-care, and self-love. Sarah shares how we can release the stigma of mental health challenges and recovery through compassion for ourselves and others.
Trigger Warnings: Eating Disorder, Bulimia Nervosa, Bulimia, Abuse, Sexual Assault, Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Suicide
Sarah Nicole, LLC
Facebook: @SarahNicole, LLC
Email: layeredbylife@yahoo.com