Hellcat's Hope is for people looking for hope and seeing what's possible in their lives, relationships, business, and community. In each episode, Hellcat (her legal name!) will share personal stories and practical takeaways to motivate and inspire you to find your own inner Hellcat in your day-to-day life.

Friday Jul 17, 2020
Running: The Trifecta of Humor, Healing, & Hope
Friday Jul 17, 2020
Friday Jul 17, 2020
"That day, for no particular reason, I decided to go for a little run." - Forrest Gump
Hellcat shares her love of all things running. Not a runner? Don't worry. You'll be entertained as Hellcat shares some funny race stories and you'll be inspired as she shows you how she found healing and hope in running. No matter your big dream or goal, you just keep moving forward in hope. You'll hear about how Hellcat quit smoking... AFTER one of her races. She shares the story of her first and second marathon as well as a blooper reel of other races. You'll walk away with some new thoughts to tell yourself when you don't feel motivated. You'll learn to change that story you tell yourself and enjoy the fact that it's the journey, not the destination, that really matters.
Honorable Mentions:
Rik Akey, Running Coach, From Fat to Finish Line
John Hulsey, Runner 12/Actor, From Fat to Finish Line (and someone who doesn't know what "flat" means)
Joel Salazar, Running Coach, Boston Marathoner
Zach and Lisa Morton, Higher Ground Running
Reg Bamford, The Questioner of Reasonableness
Kelly Trollinger, My First 5K Warrior
Sarah Corbin, The Challenger
Disney's Balloon Ladies

Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
My Baby Has A Beard, The Sequel: When Plans Change
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
If you listened to the ever popular Episode 4 (My Baby Has A Beard: The Journey to Goodbye), you learned about Hellcat's oldest son heading off to college and all the thoughts and feelings that are coming up. This Sequel is about how to manage our mind around CHANGE as Hellcat encounters some change since recording that episode just 8 days ago. Especially during these uncertain times, it's important to look at the way you respond to change. Change is not going anywhere. Hellcat shares some tools she's learned on how to adapt to change, not just for yourself and your families, but in your businesses, schools, and communities. Hellcat shows how our Think Feel Act Cycle can benefit us by just an easy, minor shift in our thoughts, and the actions and results are powerful. Listen and learn how to show yourself and others a little bit of grace right now, let go of this manufactured concept of "balance" and find ways to empower yourself and others through change.

Monday Jul 13, 2020
Learning Hope: Maw Maw and Grandma Burt, The Original Hellcats
Monday Jul 13, 2020
Monday Jul 13, 2020
With eleven kids, Hellcat's parents did the best they could with what they knew and had. That's where her Maw Maw and Grandma Burt stood in the gap. Today, Hellcat shares stories from her own memories and those of all her siblings on what it was like growing up with Maw Maw and Grandma Burt and how they were the living and breathing examples of hope as strong and formidable women. You'll hear about the ways they showed up and the legacy they've left behind. Hellcat hopes these stories jar your own memories of strong maternal and paternal leaders and mentors in your own life and how you can move forward filled with light, energy, and hope for the benefit of others.

Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Hellcat shared some humor and hope in the first few episodes, and today she's tackling Healing. She shares some tools to lower the temperature in your reactions, relationships, and reality. This is not about positive thinking or giving people passes; no, it's about choosing reality over shock and disbelief. It's about choosing acceptance over anger. It's about being in disappointment and grief so you can move forward in healing. Hellcat teaches a way to use the Think Feel Act cycle to lead you through an exercise in healing. "You can never get enough of something you don't need." - Rachel Hart (Taking A Break Podcast). And Hellcat reminds us, you don't need anger. A distracted existence fueled by anger and denial is no existence at all. Listen and learn a new way to think, feel, and act when it comes to your pain that leads to healing and intentional living.

Monday Jul 06, 2020
My Baby Has A Beard: The Journey to Goodbye
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Well, if that title doesn't sound like it belongs on the Lifetime Movie Network, we don't know what does. Hellcat is about to empty half of her nest. Join Hellcat as she shares her thoughts about her oldest son leaving for college in less than a month. You'll hear about his birth story, her neurotic issues as a first time mom, and how it's OK not to love every single minute of parenthood. Hellcat shares the college journey and how you can help your young adult no matter where their path may be taking them - college, the workforce, or the military. Hellcat shares her own processes but then asks for YOUR help - those who have been down this path before - what's you best advice. Listen and join in the discussion at Hellcat's Hope Facebook Page or email hellcat@whatthehellcat.com. Enjoy this Lifetime Movie Network premier! ha!

Monday Jul 06, 2020
What is Hope?
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Hellcat has been speaking on Hope for almost 25 years and has done her research. Hellcat will share what Hope is, and what it is not. She will discuss and teach the Think Feel Act cycle that she coaches her clients on and share stories of hope in action. You will walk away with ways you can begin to explore the story you tell yourself - is it one of hope or despair. This is not about positive thinking. No. It's about living with intention and the science behind it.
Honorable Mentions:
Christine Purvis, designer of www.whatthehellcat.com
Amy Downs, Author of Hope is a Verb: CEO, Ironman Triathlete, and survivor of the April 19, 1995 Oklahoma City Murrah Building Bombing.
Casey Gwinn, J.D. and Dr. Chan Hellman, Authors of Hope Rising: How the Science of Hope Can Change Your Life

Sunday Jul 05, 2020
Find A Way: Resiliency in Action
Sunday Jul 05, 2020
Sunday Jul 05, 2020
Resiliency: the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness. Hellcat shares a couple of personal stories in resiliency as learned from her parents, her 11 siblings, and her own experiences from her first experience at the dorms in college to finding herself in Mexico without a passport. These stories will tug on your heart, make you laugh, and open your mind to your own memories and examples of resiliency. Hellcat talks about Diana Nyad's book, Find A Way, as a great example of resilience in action. Come listen and then share your own stories of resiliency in action.

Saturday Jul 04, 2020
What The Hellcat?!
Saturday Jul 04, 2020
Saturday Jul 04, 2020
Learn about Hellcat, how she got her name, why she's doing this podcast, and what's in it for you!

Saturday Jul 04, 2020
Saturday Jul 04, 2020
Saturday Jul 04, 2020
Listen here for a quick summary of what Hellcat's Hope The Podcast is all about - a Podcast filled with humor, healing, and hope presented by Hellcat.