Hellcat's Hope is for people looking for hope and seeing what's possible in their lives, relationships, business, and community. In each episode, Hellcat (her legal name!) will share personal stories and practical takeaways to motivate and inspire you to find your own inner Hellcat in your day-to-day life.

Saturday Apr 16, 2022
My TEDx Experience - ”Hellcat: Living The Dream”
Saturday Apr 16, 2022
Saturday Apr 16, 2022
On April 14, 2022, Hellcat presented her very first TEDx talk at TEDxUCO at the University of Central Oklahoma in Edmond, Oklahoma.
Come along and listen to Hellcat's experience with the entire TEDx process and enjoy the speaking version of her talk here.
Hellcat explains what TED is and how she landed her first TEDx talk.
Feel free to fast forward directly to the talk which she presents here at the 9:18 mark.
There are a few pat answers we use, merely out of habit, when someone asks, “Hey, how are you doing?” One of those habitual responses is the number one killer of confidence, and ultimately hope, in that it dismisses and diminishes our stories of resilience. Hellcat will take you on a journey through her stories of resilience and show how you can speak, think, and use your stories of resilience to build confidence and hope for the future, one thought at a time.
Reg Bamford
JonAcuff.me (https://acuff.mykajabi.com/full-potential)
Katrina and JD Shaklee
Laurie Toney
Krisan Patterson
Tonya Walker
Focus Group: Matt Patterson, Krisan Patterson, Melissa Wilson, Tom Corbin, Derek Sier, Katrina & JD Shaklee, Robert Jernigan. Special Thanks to the Deer Creek Schools Administration for allowing me to use the Board Room for the Focus Group Presentation.
TED Talks: The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking, Chris Anderson
The Successful Speaker, Grant Baldwin
Soundtracks, Jon Acuff
"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by EVERY experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. Do the thing you think you cannot do." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Friday Nov 26, 2021
Stop Waiting: How to Honor Your Spirit and The Practice of Living
Friday Nov 26, 2021
Friday Nov 26, 2021
In this Episode, Hellcat is practicing what she preaches.
She shares how a random interaction with a stranger at a football game led her to prepare and publish this episode on how to stop waiting and honor your spirit in this practice of life.
Today, you will learn three tips on how to do that and the good that can come from being obedient to your true self.
Do you find yourself waiting to do something because “the time is just not right” or “I need to lose weight first” or “there is too much going on” or “things need to calm down first”?
Like Hellcat’s Dad wrote before he died, “You don’t have to live forever, just live.”
What small steps can you take to live today?
Stop limiting your life as a reward and instead make it a reality. Stop waiting for the right time and create the right time.
If this resonates with you and you’ve taken action or a step you’ve been putting off, let Hellcat know by hitting her up on social media or email her at Hellcat@whatthehellcat.com.

Sunday Nov 21, 2021
Sunday Nov 21, 2021
Today’s episode is full of real takeaway actions on how to prepare for the holidays and cope with the stress of it all, with a dash of humor, healing, and hope.
Today I got to chat with Heather Loeb, founder and creator of www.unrulyneurons.com, recent recipient of the Betty Fullenwider Media Award for her inspirational work in normalizing mental health, and my amazing cousin. Heather was also recently named to the leadership team for NAMI of Greater Corpus Christi. NAMI is the National Alliance of Mental Illness, the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to improving the lives of people affected by mental illness (www.NAMIGCC.org).
You may recall Heather from Episode 14: Finding Hope and Healing in Recovery and Living with Depression and Mental Illness. Today, Heather drops more little nuggets of wisdom as we approach the holidays.
Today we dive into how to plan around the holidays, how to deal with those strong, family personalities and those that like to poke the bear. Heather gives us some specific tools to enjoy the holidays, people, and manage our expectations.
We talk through and demonstrate some grounding and breathing techniques to override our primal brain that only sees perceived dangers and doom. Lastly, we share some techniques on how to process grief during these times.
You can follow Heather at her newly re-designed and revamped website: www.unrulyneurons.com, her column in The Corpus Christi Caller Times (www.caller.com) and lots of good videos and other golden nuggets on Heather’s Facebook page (www.facebook.com/unrulyneurons).

Saturday Nov 20, 2021
Confidence and Self-Care Independence
Saturday Nov 20, 2021
Saturday Nov 20, 2021
Come along and listen to a fascinating conversation with Crystal McLain, licensed massage therapist and the founder of Crystal McLain Creative for a deep-dive into the importance of body-mind connectedness. We explore the topics of creativity, branding, and dive into the SCIENCE of homeostasis and the amazing brain. You will hear about the power of journaling and the 5 Keys to Self-Care Independence!
Our lack of confidence is the biggest barrier to unlocking our wellness and the power within. Crystal says, “A confident heart lives authentically and you are the best source of love and encouragement you will ever receive.”
Also, if you gain nothing else from this Episode (which, I promise, you will), please check out Crystal’s Podcast Episode 18: No One is Coming to Save You. 9 minutes of pure gold! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/unlocking-wellness/id1551835520?i=1000537649889
Crystal’s Creative Wellness Program: “Science-based, magic-laced, creative self-care hub to feed your body, mind and mother-lovin’ soul.”
Find out more here and sign up for her free newsletter and check out her Membership Program:
Podcast: Unlocking Wellness with Crystal McLain
IG: CMCmercantile (Crystal McLain Creative)
Facebook: Crystal McLain Creative

Saturday Oct 02, 2021
Weight-Loss Surgery Update: ”No, I have never sh*t my pants.”
Saturday Oct 02, 2021
Saturday Oct 02, 2021
In a follow-up to Episode 16 (Gastric Bypass: Humor, Healing, and Hope), Hellcat gives an update on her progress since having surgery almost 10 months ago. Hellcat shares her success, tips, tricks, challenges, and of course, humor.
Whether you're considering WLS or other major life decision, you will walk away with some thought and mind-management tools to use along your journey.

Sunday Jul 11, 2021
Confidence: How to Get It and How to Keep It
Sunday Jul 11, 2021
Sunday Jul 11, 2021
Confidence is NOT tied to your circumstances.
Confidence is a choice you make in the face of your circumstances.
This is not about fake or toxic positivity. To the contrary, choosing confidence, being curious about your failures and mistakes, and celebrating your wins will bring you clarity on the intentional results you want in your life.
Today, Hellcat walks us through the Model she uses to coach her clients, explaining the process of how, no matter our circumstances, we can choose our thoughts that create our feelings which in turn drive our actions (or inaction) and get us our results. This method is all too clear when we talk about confidence.
Hellcat wasn't always a Hellcat. She wasn't born that way. She wasn't born a renegade. She has felt alone, still feels afraid - she stumbles through it anyway (lyrics credit to P!nk's new song, All I Know So Far).
She has many, many reasons NOT to be confident and to feel less than confident about being a parent, a wife, a business woman... but she learned how to manage those thoughts to serve her present and future, and she wants to teach you that today.
Come listen and learn how you can, too, and learn to NEVER say "fake it 'til you make it" ever, ever again. That phrase is the biggest killer to confidence.
P!nk, All I Know So Far
Brooke Castillo and The Life Coach School (The Model)
Professional Moms: https://www.theetiquettenetwork.com/professional-moms/
Second Saturday: https://www.secondsaturday.com/
Hellcat Coaching: https://www.whatthehellcat.com/life-coaching
Hellcat Speaking: https://www.whatthehellcat.com/speaking

Monday Apr 12, 2021
Monday Apr 12, 2021
Take a listen as I chat with Derrick Sier: a teacher, mentor, philanthropist, and advocate; basically, an all-around superstar. He’s not a teacher within the typical schoolhouse walls, but he does work with youth in our City and with the Oklahoma City Police Department in its meaningful and transformative Youth Leadership Academy by empowering our youth through mentorship, communication, and advocacy skills.
Come along and learn about the Bridge Youth Impact Center and the work this amazing non-profit is doing for youth in terms of impacting drug addiction, domestic violence, and mental health among our youth population.
Derrick and I chat about the importance of connection and building bridges with people, the importance of mission statements, and his work with FACT (Family Awareness Community Teamwork).
Derrick shares his personal story of his first interaction with law enforcement and how his work today is to break down barriers between our youth and the police department and show that our men and women in blue will advocate and show our kids that they are there to help them take another shot.
There is power in sharing our stories and we talk about what to do when you hit those obstacles and people that are not on board.
My hope is that you will walk away today truly inspired about our youth and the community work you can do to be a connector, bridge-builder, and provide confidence and hope in yourself and others, one thought at a time.
Learn from Derrick what it means to JUMP into the opportunities and mission to make this world better.
Oklahoma City Police Department’s Youth Leadership Academy:
@FACTOKC on Facebook and fact_okc on Instagram
@TheBridgeImpactCenterOKC on Facebook and Instagram
You can find Derrick Sier on all social media platforms. There’s only one Derrick Sier!

Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Suicide: End The Stigma
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
TRIGGER WARNING: Suicide, Depression
This is a heavy one: Suicide. But it's important to talk about, especially during the Holidays and especially during the Holidays during a Pandemic.
Hellcat interviews Heather Loab, founder, creator, and author of UnrulyNeurons.com. Hellcat first interviewed Heather in Episode 14: Finding Hope and Healing in Living with Depression and Mental Illness. They talked about the importance of talking about and ending the stigma of mental illness and depression.
Today is more specific: How can we destigmatize the conversation around suicide? We dive into some data and facts surrounding suicide, risk factors and warning signs for teen and youth, and Heather shares her powerful story of her life with suicide.
The CDC reported an increase of 57% in suicides among 10-24 year olds and that’s only from 2007-2018. That doesn’t even consider data from during the Pandemic, where isolation and depression are likely pervasive.
Listen in and learn how to have that direct conversation and not tip-toe around it.
We will also dispel the myths surrounding suicide:
"You shouldn’t bring it up."
"Someone who doesn’t have depression won’t commit suicide." WRONG. 54% of those who die from suicide, there is no known cause and the family and close friends had no idea.
"It's just selfish."
"They're just attention-seeking or being dramatic."
We will dispel these myths today.
You will hear Heather’s real life story and experiences with suicide and what it looks like.
So, get educated and armed with tools to take action today.
National Suicide Prevention Hotline 1-800-273-8255
Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741-741

Monday Dec 14, 2020
Monday Dec 14, 2020
Today, Hellcat interviews her nephew, Jaden, and his pal, Megan, as they discuss their new Podcast, "Our Minds Work Like THAT". Jaden and Megan are Freshman at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas. They discuss what their Podcast is about as well as other funny tidbits on how their minds work, and boy, do they work!
Listen in for tidbits on hair, My Pretty Pony, Texas Tech and Big 12 football (sort of), nosey Burt Women (that we are), why Jaden and Megan are so mean to Jaden’s sister Emma, College slang, gay slang, Snap Chat, and the political climate on campus this past Fall.
So, check out this interview if you want to know more – or – just hop on over to their podcase, OUR MINDS WORK LIKE THAT (you can find them anywhere you listen to your podcasts) and for more entertainment and inside peeks into their great minds, go over and follow them on Instagram at LIKETHATPOD. You can see their antics AND listen to them over there!
You'll feel younger just by listening.

Saturday Sep 26, 2020
Saturday Sep 26, 2020
We find ourselves in a highly politicized climate right now, from the Presidential race to Covid-19, masks, and education.
How can we maintain our friendships when we find ourselves on the opposing side of these issues? How can find common ground from a place of respect, insight, and understanding?
Tune in today as Hellcat interviews one of her closest friends, Amanda Doolittle Crawford. Amanda and Hellcat are polar opposites in terms of political affiliations, pandemic protocols, and yes, even football. But they've managed to do so without sacrificing the true tenets of their relationship: love and respect. They've managed to have discussions and discourse without divorce.
Their hope is that you can walk away today with a little bit of humor and maybe find a place of healing, hope, and a way to get through this season with your true self and your true relationships intact once we reach the other side. And we will reach the other side, together.
Amanda and Hellcat share recent experiences with social media keyboard warriors and how they have been able to move past it and work together for the common good by finding common ground.
The opinions expressed herein by Hellcat are her own and do not represent those of the Deer Creek School District.